As a team, Larcon Electric is dedicated to:
Ethics- Have the moral code to do the right thing
Initiative – Posses the independent motivation to apply your imagination and common sense to get things done.
Integrity – Be whole and undivided to take ownership of your successes and your failures

Lighting is one of the most important things for a business, it can be the difference between a break in or even if someone wants to shop with you! Check out our commercial gallery!
Lighting can have a drastic impact on the mood people feel when they’re in your home, so check out how we can help by checking out our Residential gallery!
Big machines come with big risks, so you have to be able to see what you’re doing, so check out our industrial gallery and see what we’ve done to make the work environment much safer!
We Can Help
Larcon Electric would love to get to help you with all of your electrical needs today!